
Are you interested in our program?

We offer day habilitation, in home support, supported employment, and respite services. There are a few steps you should complete before applying for our services:

Meet the Agencies

Meet and tour the agencies you would like to provide the services you have applied for. The care coordinator can provide you with assistance regarding which agencies are available in the Fairbanks area.

Apply for Medicaid

With assistance from a care coordinator, apply for Medicaid. Medicaid will send you a letter letting you know whether or not you are eligible. From there, your care coordinator will assist you in applying for the services that you have been determined eligible to receive.

Secure a Care Coordinator

Visit the State of Alaska Senior and Disabilities webpage for a current list of available care coordinators in your area: http://dhss.alaska.gov/fdfd/Pages/default.aspx

Complete the Agency applications

Your care coordinator will help to set up a meeting with the agencies you have selected. Each service you are eligible for, and decide to participate in, will need to be discussed with the planning team you have selected. Individual goals will need to be discussed and set for the recipient for the specified services.
If we can assist you, please fill out the following form:
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.